Brazil — Cafundo
Stewed apple, Buttersocth , Toasted Hazelnut
Origin: Brazil
Region: Chapada Diamantina
Farm: Bahia
Producer: Pedro & Delzute Santana
Altitude: 1,360 masl
Process: Pulped Natural
Varietal: Catuai
Tasting Notes: Stewed Apple, Butterscotch, Toasted Hazelnut.
Velvety mouthfeel and deep undertones of nuts with a buttery acidity. This is the best way to explain this coffee. Is a great way to show how a simple pulped natural Brazilian coffee can be also very exciting.
Coffee cherries at Cafundó were picked selectively by a small team of women who are extremely professional and ensure only the very best cherries are selected. The coffee was then processed onsite at the farm, using the pulped natural method, through which Pedro aimed to try and preserve the coffee’s inherent and best properties.
Cafundó is a very small coffee farm located in Piatã, in Bahia’s Diamantina Plateau region. Chapada Diamantina translates to ”Diamond Plateau” in Portuguese, and for 100 years, this area was mined for the gemstones embedded in its cliffs. Today the region is famous for its specialty coffee.