Welcome to our comprehensive guide on making coffee with an AeroPress. The AeroPress is a versatile and compact coffee maker that produces a rich and flavourful cup of coffee. In this guide, we'll take you through the process of making the perfect brew step by step.
STEP 1—Boil Water
Start by boiling fresh, filtered water. The ideal temperature for brewing coffee is between 90°C - 93°C.
STEP 2—Rinse
Using hot water (90-93C), pour through the paper filter until completely saturated and sticking to the bottom. Empty the now pre-heated brew vessel.
STEP 3—Prepare the coffee beans
Measure out your coffee beans. A common coffee-to-water ratio is 1:15, which means 1 gram of coffee for every 15 grams of water. Adjust the quantity to your taste. Grind the beans to a medium consistency, similar to table salt.
STEP 4—Assemble filter and add coffee grounds
Add the ground coffee to the AeroPress chamber. Make sure to make an even bed. This helps the water flow evenly through the grounds during brewing.
STEP 5—Bloom the Coffee
Start the timer and pour enough hot water (about twice the weight of the coffee grounds) to saturate them evenly. Stir the coffee and water mixture to ensure even saturation. Allow it to bloom for 30 seconds.
STEP 6—Pour and agitate
After the bloom, slowly pour the remaining water into the AeroPress, filling it to the top. Be sure to keep the water level consistent. Attach the plunger, but do not plunge yet.
STEP 7—Plunge
After the steeping time (aim for 3 minutes to start pressing) press down on the plunger slowly but steadily. Once you hear a hissing sound, stop pressing.
Note: Make sure retire the scale while pressing.
STEP 8—Enjoy the coffee
Your AeroPress coffee is ready. Remove the AeroPress from the mug, and enjoy your freshly brewed coffee.