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El Jardin


Origin: Guatemala
Region: San Marco
Producer: Various Small holders
Altitude: 1800-2200masl
Harvest: Manual
Variety: Bourbon, Caturra
Process: Washed
Exporter: FECCEG
Importer: First Crop Coffee


Surrounded by volcanoes and visited by few tourists, the El Jardin is a group of neighbouring farms in the San Marco region of Guatemala. Bordering Mexico and north of the closest city Xela, the coffee farms in the San Marco region are home to spectacular views and volcanic soil rich with the perfect nutrients for growing coffee. 

At times dense with mist, the higher elevation makes for a shady and pleasant growing environment. At this altitude, there is more moisture in the air, creating many water springs available for processing. The farmers make their own organic fertiliser of cherry pulp, parchment, animal waste, and washing water from the wet processing. It takes about 8 weeks to break down, and supplies the coffee cherries with more nutrients to increase bean density and even maturity. 

The coffee is pulped at a central wet mill owned by the farmers and fermented in barrels for roughly 12-18 hours. Coffee from El Jardin is Fairtrade Certified and is dry milled at the FECCEG Mill in Xela, who also produce organic panela. 

Recipe Starting Point:

19.5g Dose

42g Yield

26s Extraction Time

92.5 Degrees C


Note: We have developed an espresso profile for this coffee - meaning it is roasted a little darker than would normally suit filter brew methods. If you're using pour over, Aeropress, batch brew, plunger or other filter brew methods we recommend our Single Origin Filter Roast. However, we're more than happy to supply any of our coffees ground to any specifications - coffee is a personal journey, and we are excited to take that journey with you.