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Origin: Colombia
Region: Tolima
Farm: El Vergel
Altitude: 1500masl
Process: EA Sugarcane
Varietal: Caturra



After noticing a consistent trend of low-quality decaf Colombian coffee, El Vergel estate made it their mission to produce a decaffeinated coffee of the highest quality, without losing any of its sweetness. El Vergel is owned and operated by Martha Bayter, and her two sons Elias and Shady. Their focus has been on experimenting with coffee in a way that allows them to create and implement techniques to help improve the quality of life for the families working alongside them in their project, El Vergel State. They have now been producing this coffee for over a decade, focussing on traditional processing with a modern touch, using special fermentations to develop some amazing fruity flavours in the cup.

To achieve this, the coffee is processed via the sugar cane method, a technique renowned in Colombia, where sugar cane is a widely abundant crop. The coffee is first submitted to a condition of water and steam, in order to elevate its moisture content, opening the pores of the bean and facilitating extraction of the caffeine. This extraction is performed in circular containers with a combination of water and ethyl acetate, where the coffee is immersed several times, dissolving the caffeine until the caffeine level drops to 0.1%. The beans are then cleaned with water, followed by steam, to clean the innermost portions of the bean. Finally, the beans are dried until reaching a moisture level similar to what they had prior to the process. This method avoids excessive heat or pressure, which can radically disrupt a green bean's cellular structure.