Our iconic Wide Open Road Caravan is back on the road and we’re excited to introduce our friends Lucy and Jesse to the Wide Open Road team! We met Lucy and Jesse during the recent floods, as they were running the evacuation centre in Lennox Head while Jono’s family were making food and the kids were helping man the morning shift. Jesse spent a lot of the floods on boats rescuing people who’d been stranded on their roofs. Working fourteen hour days for ten days straight, they coordinated volunteers and served meals for the locals. They then spent a week handing out free coffee to volunteers and people who’d lost everything from the Wide Open Road Caravan down in Broadwater. Their dedication to helping out and supporting those affected really reflects the amazing efforts of the local community up in Byron, and there are so many heartwarming stories like theirs of local folk helping their neighbours in any way they can.
We’re thrilled to announce that Lucy and Jesse will be operating the caravan full time, so you can expect to spot them popping up all over the Northern Rivers. A few weeks back Lucy and Jesse brought the caravan to the Skullcandy Grom Fest in Lennox Head, which saw the best young surfers from all over the country compete for six days, and then they travelled to Lismore last week for the Student Careers Expo. Next up they’ll be on to the Byron Writers Festival from the 26th til 28th of August. Make sure you follow the instagram to keep up with their travels and see where they’ll be popping up next!
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